Back to the Gym Again

On Monday this week I decided that I was going to start going back to the gym again. It was a real challenge to find the motivation but digging deep has been something I have grown fairly accustomed to over my life and because of this i’ve hit the ground running!

So far this week I have been to the gym for three consecutive days. On all of these days I have done a minimum of 45mins walking at a brisk pace on an incline. It’s been hard work and using my fitbit I have constantly monitored my heart rate and ensured that I am in fat burn and cardio zones at all times. It’s only been three days but I feel motivated and so proud of my walking abilities. I am walking taller and my posture and gait have improved significantly! It’s a bonus that my thighs no longer rub together and cause me discomfort.

As an additional bonus I am wearing jeans! They have no stretch in them either! I am feeling particularly proud of this because as anyone with lipoedema knows finding trousers to fit is a near impossibility. In the past I have found that Jaeger and Armani are the best fitting jeans for me based on the fact I have large legs but only a small (ish) waist . I am enjoying a new lease of lift currently and loving being me!

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This week, Steven and I have been working on clearing up my diet based on which foods are suitable for reducing inflammation. When I was waiting for my check-up at The Karri Clinic I noticed that there was a copy of the book below. I have worked hard to organise meals and planned well in advance. I would not like to say that this is a diet but it is a guide to eating for people with lipoedema that should be used to adapt your lifestyle.

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The book is for sale on Amazon and I think it was approx £15 and I would consider it to be worth the money. I am planning on losing 14lb in weight before my next operation and I am hoping that utilising this book and my fav Jamie Oliver 15 mins meals book will help me! It’s been very useful planning my meals ahead and ordering the ingrediants online. I am hoping that commitment and organisation are the key!

Surgery 2 this June!

I have officially been given a date for my second surgery and this is going to be 16th June 2017! That makes me nine weeks countdown. I am so excited to be moving forward with this and I don’t know if I am nervous or not as yet. I am certainly more knowledgeable about what to expect… this could be bad and could be good. It’s beneficial to how to manage post surgery  but I really don’t fancy the pain again!

What I do know is that no matter how much it hurts, the feeling of not having those awful legs and that constant pain and bruising is worth it!